To find the card, head to the Northern corner ledge. Rhodes, Lemoyne - Located directly next to the Stagecoach, use the ladder at the back of the bank to reach the bank's rooftop. It's pretty hard to miss, simply look for the house that has animal hides displayed all over it, along with several animal carcasses at back. The house is located in the South Eastern corner of the small town. The card is next to some ammo.Ĭhez Porter, West Grizzlies, Ambarino - Find this card inside the small cabin near the barn, sitting on top of the windowsill.īutcher Creek, Roanoke Valley, New Hanover - Found on a barrel on the porch of the Butcher Brothers house.
Six Point Cabin, Cumberland Forest, NH - Check the back of the sky blue wagon next to the red table on the east side of the camp. Valentine Cemetery, The Heartlands, New Hanover - Search the cemetery on the West side of town and look left of the church for a card sitting at an unmarked grave just below the obelisk.